Moving to Study in Sweden: Jana's Experience

Jana, a student from Germany shares her perspective on her move to Malmo and her decision to embrace sustainable living by renting furniture from Cohabit.

Jana Discovers Cohabit

When Jana initially moved into her furnished apartment in Malmo, she realized that certain essential items were missing. A working chair and a cozy rug were among the things she desired to make her new place feel like home. Instead of buying these items outright, Jana considered renting them from Cohabit. During the orientation week events, She had discovered Cohabit and was intrigued by the concept, she was drawn to support the cause. She reached out to them via Instagram and soon had a conversation with their team to discuss the details. Cohabit provided Jana with images of available items, although the first picture did not match her preferences. However, the second picture met her expectations, and she was excited to get the items delivered into her apartment.

Creating a Cozy Living Space

Having the flexibility to furnish her apartment according to her needs and preferences was important for Jana. When she first moved in, she had only a bed, but Cohabit helped her to complete her living space with other necessary furniture pieces. And in her new apartment, Jana was able to create a cozy seating area with a small couch,  enhancing the comfort of her new home. Jana was not only excited about supporting Cohabit’s sustainable business model, but she also appreciated the ease of the process and the genuineness of the team. The idea itself seemed so logical and practical that she wondered why it wasn’t already a widespread practice.

From Shared Living to Personal Apartment: Early Housing Queue Registration

Jana now resides in a cozy 29-square-meter studio apartment with her own kitchen and private bathroom. This transition from a shared living arrangement to her own apartment was possible for her within a few months because she had signed up for the housing queue early on. Immediately after her admission, she signed up on Boplatsyd and let the queue time build up, This accumulating queue time placed her at the top of the list when she decided to apply for her own place.

Jana’s Tips for a Smooth Transition Abroad
Reflecting on her experience, Jana offers insightful advice for incoming students. She suggests signing up for housing early and allowing queue time to build up, as obtaining a personal apartment takes time but will eventually happen within a few months. Jana also recommends visiting the city before the move, if possible, to familiarize oneself with the local culture, language, and surroundings, thus managing expectations and easing the transition. Lastly, she encourages students to embrace new experiences while being prepared for the range of emotions that may arise during their time abroad, and to bring along a personal item that offers a sense of connection to home.

“When I moved in, I had the bed but nothing else, but I knew I could get the other stuff from Cohabit. That was really nice! The furniture itself was good, stable and functional. And also, it’s a flexible way to change the furniture for my new apartment. I needed a seating area like a small couch and not just a bed.”
Student from Germany